MedNet interface implementation guide
0.16.0 - CI Build

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Resource Profile: MedNet Interface (MNI) - Organization

Official URL: Version: 0.16.0
Active as of 2020-12-17 Computable Name: MNIOrganization

Copyright/Legal: novcom AG

MedNet Interface (MNI) - Organization Profile


Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Organization C 0..* Organization MedNet Interface (MNI) - Organization
org-1: The organization SHALL at least have a name or an identifier, and possibly more than one
... id SΣ 0..1 id The id is unique within the space of all resources of the same type on the same server It can be any combination of upper- or lower-case ASCII letters 'A'..'Z', and 'a'..'z', numerals ('0'..'9'), '-' and '.' with a length limit of 64 characters. (This might be an integer, an un-prefixed OID, UUID or any other identifier pattern that meets these constraints.)
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... modifierExtension ?! 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
.... identifier:BER SΣC 0..1 Identifier BER (Business and Enterprise Register)
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:2.16.756.5.45
..... value SΣ 1..1 string BER of the organization
Example General: 123456
.... identifier:UIDB SΣC 0..1 Identifier Unique IDentification Business (UIDB)
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:2.16.756.5.35
..... value SΣ 1..1 string UIDB of the Organization
Example General: 123456
.... identifier:ZSR SΣC 0..1 Identifier Zahlstellenregister (ZSR)
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:2.16.756.
..... value SΣ 1..1 string ZSR of the Organization
Example General: 123456
.... identifier:GLN SΣC 0..1 Identifier Global Location Number (GLN)
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:
..... value SΣ 1..1 string GLN of the Organization
Example General: 123456
.... identifier:mednet_account SΣC 0..1 Identifier MedNet account identifier
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value:
..... value SΣ 1..1 string MedNet account identifier
Example General: 123456
.... identifier:mednet_group SΣC 0..1 Identifier MedNet group identifier
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value:
..... value SΣ 1..1 string MedNet group identifier
Example General: 123456
... active ?!Σ 0..1 boolean Whether the organization's record is still in active use
... type SΣ 0..* CodeableConcept Used to categorize the organization
Binding: OrganizationType (preferred)
.... coding SΣ 0..* Coding Code defined by a terminology system
..... system SΣ 1..1 uri Identity of the terminology system
Fixed Value:
..... code SΣ 1..1 code prov (Healthcare Provider) | dept (Hospital Department) | team (Organizational team) | govt (Government) | ins (Insurance Company) | pay (Payer) | edu (Educational Institute) | reli (Religious Institution) | crs (Clinical Research Sponsor) | cg (Community Group) | bus (Non-Healthcare Business or Corporation) | other (Other)
..... display SΣ 0..1 string Representation defined by the system
... name SΣC 0..1 string Name used for the organization
... telecom SC 0..* MNIContactPoint Details of a Technology mediated contact point (phone, fax, email, etc.)
cpt-2: A system is required if a value is provided.
org-3: The telecom of an organization can never be of use 'home'
... address SC 0..* MNIAddress An address expressed using postal conventions (as opposed to GPS or other location definition formats)
org-2: An address of an organization can never be of use 'home'

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard


cpt-2errorOrganization.telecomA system is required if a value is provided.
: value.empty() or system.exists()
dom-2errorOrganizationIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources
: contained.contained.empty()
dom-3errorOrganizationIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL be referred to from elsewhere in the resource or SHALL refer to the containing resource
: contained.where((('#'+id in (%resource.descendants().reference | %resource.descendants().as(canonical) | %resource.descendants().as(uri) | %resource.descendants().as(url))) or descendants().where(reference = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists()).not()).trace('unmatched', id).empty()
dom-4errorOrganizationIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a meta.versionId or a meta.lastUpdated
: contained.meta.versionId.empty() and contained.meta.lastUpdated.empty()
dom-5errorOrganizationIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a security label
dom-6best practiceOrganizationA resource should have narrative for robust management
: text.`div`.exists()
ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()
org-1errorOrganizationThe organization SHALL at least have a name or an identifier, and possibly more than one
: (identifier.count() + name.count()) > 0
org-2errorOrganization.addressAn address of an organization can never be of use 'home'
: where(use = 'home').empty()
org-3errorOrganization.telecomThe telecom of an organization can never be of use 'home'
: where(use = 'home').empty()

This structure is derived from Organization

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Organization 0..* Organization MedNet Interface (MNI) - Organization
... id S 0..1 id The id is unique within the space of all resources of the same type on the same server It can be any combination of upper- or lower-case ASCII letters 'A'..'Z', and 'a'..'z', numerals ('0'..'9'), '-' and '.' with a length limit of 64 characters. (This might be an integer, an un-prefixed OID, UUID or any other identifier pattern that meets these constraints.)
... Slices for identifier S 0..* Identifier Identifies this organization across multiple systems
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:system, value:value
.... identifier:BER S 0..1 Identifier BER (Business and Enterprise Register)
..... system S 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:2.16.756.5.45
..... value S 1..1 string BER of the organization
.... identifier:UIDB S 0..1 Identifier Unique IDentification Business (UIDB)
..... system S 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:2.16.756.5.35
..... value S 1..1 string UIDB of the Organization
.... identifier:ZSR S 0..1 Identifier Zahlstellenregister (ZSR)
..... system S 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:2.16.756.
..... value S 1..1 string ZSR of the Organization
.... identifier:GLN S 0..1 Identifier Global Location Number (GLN)
..... system S 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:
..... value S 1..1 string GLN of the Organization
.... identifier:mednet_account S 0..1 Identifier MedNet account identifier
..... system S 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value:
..... value S 1..1 string MedNet account identifier
.... identifier:mednet_group S 0..1 Identifier MedNet group identifier
..... system S 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value:
..... value S 1..1 string MedNet group identifier
... type S 0..* CodeableConcept Used to categorize the organization
Binding: OrganizationType (preferred)
.... coding S 0..* Coding Code defined by a terminology system
..... system S 1..1 uri Identity of the terminology system
Fixed Value:
..... code S 1..1 code prov (Healthcare Provider) | dept (Hospital Department) | team (Organizational team) | govt (Government) | ins (Insurance Company) | pay (Payer) | edu (Educational Institute) | reli (Religious Institution) | crs (Clinical Research Sponsor) | cg (Community Group) | bus (Non-Healthcare Business or Corporation) | other (Other)
..... display S 0..1 string Representation defined by the system
... telecom S 0..* MNIContactPoint Details of a Technology mediated contact point (phone, fax, email, etc.)
... address S 0..* MNIAddress An address expressed using postal conventions (as opposed to GPS or other location definition formats)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

from the FHIR Standard
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Organization C 0..* Organization MedNet Interface (MNI) - Organization
org-1: The organization SHALL at least have a name or an identifier, and possibly more than one
... id SΣ 0..1 id The id is unique within the space of all resources of the same type on the same server It can be any combination of upper- or lower-case ASCII letters 'A'..'Z', and 'a'..'z', numerals ('0'..'9'), '-' and '.' with a length limit of 64 characters. (This might be an integer, an un-prefixed OID, UUID or any other identifier pattern that meets these constraints.)
... meta Σ 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... text 0..1 Narrative Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 0..* Resource Contained, inline Resources
... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
... modifierExtension ?! 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
... Slices for identifier SΣC 0..* Identifier Identifies this organization across multiple systems
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:system, value:value
.... identifier:BER SΣC 0..1 Identifier BER (Business and Enterprise Register)
..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept Description of identifier
Binding: Identifier Type Codes (extensible): A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:2.16.756.5.45
..... value SΣ 1..1 string BER of the organization
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ 0..1 Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:UIDB SΣC 0..1 Identifier Unique IDentification Business (UIDB)
..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept Description of identifier
Binding: Identifier Type Codes (extensible): A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:2.16.756.5.35
..... value SΣ 1..1 string UIDB of the Organization
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ 0..1 Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:ZSR SΣC 0..1 Identifier Zahlstellenregister (ZSR)
..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept Description of identifier
Binding: Identifier Type Codes (extensible): A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:2.16.756.
..... value SΣ 1..1 string ZSR of the Organization
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ 0..1 Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:GLN SΣC 0..1 Identifier Global Location Number (GLN)
..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept Description of identifier
Binding: Identifier Type Codes (extensible): A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:
..... value SΣ 1..1 string GLN of the Organization
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ 0..1 Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:mednet_account SΣC 0..1 Identifier MedNet account identifier
..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept Description of identifier
Binding: Identifier Type Codes (extensible): A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value:
..... value SΣ 1..1 string MedNet account identifier
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ 0..1 Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:mednet_group SΣC 0..1 Identifier MedNet group identifier
..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept Description of identifier
Binding: Identifier Type Codes (extensible): A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value:
..... value SΣ 1..1 string MedNet group identifier
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ 0..1 Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization that issued id (may be just text)
... active ?!Σ 0..1 boolean Whether the organization's record is still in active use
... type SΣ 0..* CodeableConcept Used to categorize the organization
Binding: OrganizationType (preferred)
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... coding SΣ 0..* Coding Code defined by a terminology system
..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... system SΣ 1..1 uri Identity of the terminology system
Fixed Value:
..... version Σ 0..1 string Version of the system - if relevant
..... code SΣ 1..1 code prov (Healthcare Provider) | dept (Hospital Department) | team (Organizational team) | govt (Government) | ins (Insurance Company) | pay (Payer) | edu (Educational Institute) | reli (Religious Institution) | crs (Clinical Research Sponsor) | cg (Community Group) | bus (Non-Healthcare Business or Corporation) | other (Other)
..... display SΣ 0..1 string Representation defined by the system
..... userSelected Σ 0..1 boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
.... text Σ 0..1 string Plain text representation of the concept
... name SΣC 0..1 string Name used for the organization
... alias 0..* string A list of alternate names that the organization is known as, or was known as in the past
... telecom SC 0..* MNIContactPoint Details of a Technology mediated contact point (phone, fax, email, etc.)
cpt-2: A system is required if a value is provided.
org-3: The telecom of an organization can never be of use 'home'
... address SC 0..* MNIAddress An address expressed using postal conventions (as opposed to GPS or other location definition formats)
org-2: An address of an organization can never be of use 'home'
... partOf Σ 0..1 Reference(Organization) The organization of which this organization forms a part
... contact 0..* BackboneElement Contact for the organization for a certain purpose
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... purpose 0..1 CodeableConcept The type of contact
Binding: ContactEntityType (extensible): The purpose for which you would contact a contact party.

.... name 0..1 HumanName A name associated with the contact
.... telecom 0..* ContactPoint Contact details (telephone, email, etc.) for a contact
.... address 0..1 Address Visiting or postal addresses for the contact
... endpoint 0..* Reference(Endpoint) Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the organization

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

Additional Bindings Purpose
AllLanguages Max Binding
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Organization.identifier:BER.typeextensibleIdentifier Type Codes
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Organization.identifier:UIDB.typeextensibleIdentifier Type Codes
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Organization.identifier:ZSR.typeextensibleIdentifier Type Codes
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Organization.identifier:GLN.typeextensibleIdentifier Type Codes
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Organization.identifier:mednet_account.typeextensibleIdentifier Type Codes
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Organization.identifier:mednet_group.typeextensibleIdentifier Type Codes
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard


cpt-2errorOrganization.telecomA system is required if a value is provided.
: value.empty() or system.exists()
dom-2errorOrganizationIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources
: contained.contained.empty()
dom-3errorOrganizationIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL be referred to from elsewhere in the resource or SHALL refer to the containing resource
: contained.where((('#'+id in (%resource.descendants().reference | %resource.descendants().as(canonical) | %resource.descendants().as(uri) | %resource.descendants().as(url))) or descendants().where(reference = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists()).not()).trace('unmatched', id).empty()
dom-4errorOrganizationIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a meta.versionId or a meta.lastUpdated
: contained.meta.versionId.empty() and contained.meta.lastUpdated.empty()
dom-5errorOrganizationIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a security label
dom-6best practiceOrganizationA resource should have narrative for robust management
: text.`div`.exists()
ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()
org-1errorOrganizationThe organization SHALL at least have a name or an identifier, and possibly more than one
: (identifier.count() + name.count()) > 0
org-2errorOrganization.addressAn address of an organization can never be of use 'home'
: where(use = 'home').empty()
org-3errorOrganization.telecomThe telecom of an organization can never be of use 'home'
: where(use = 'home').empty()

This structure is derived from Organization


Mandatory: 0 element(14 nested mandatory elements)
Must-Support: 28 elements
Fixed: 7 elements


This structure refers to these other structures:


This structure defines the following Slices:

  • The element 2 is sliced based on the values of Organization.identifier

Key Elements View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Organization C 0..* Organization MedNet Interface (MNI) - Organization
org-1: The organization SHALL at least have a name or an identifier, and possibly more than one
... id SΣ 0..1 id The id is unique within the space of all resources of the same type on the same server It can be any combination of upper- or lower-case ASCII letters 'A'..'Z', and 'a'..'z', numerals ('0'..'9'), '-' and '.' with a length limit of 64 characters. (This might be an integer, an un-prefixed OID, UUID or any other identifier pattern that meets these constraints.)
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... modifierExtension ?! 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
.... identifier:BER SΣC 0..1 Identifier BER (Business and Enterprise Register)
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:2.16.756.5.45
..... value SΣ 1..1 string BER of the organization
Example General: 123456
.... identifier:UIDB SΣC 0..1 Identifier Unique IDentification Business (UIDB)
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:2.16.756.5.35
..... value SΣ 1..1 string UIDB of the Organization
Example General: 123456
.... identifier:ZSR SΣC 0..1 Identifier Zahlstellenregister (ZSR)
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:2.16.756.
..... value SΣ 1..1 string ZSR of the Organization
Example General: 123456
.... identifier:GLN SΣC 0..1 Identifier Global Location Number (GLN)
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:
..... value SΣ 1..1 string GLN of the Organization
Example General: 123456
.... identifier:mednet_account SΣC 0..1 Identifier MedNet account identifier
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value:
..... value SΣ 1..1 string MedNet account identifier
Example General: 123456
.... identifier:mednet_group SΣC 0..1 Identifier MedNet group identifier
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value:
..... value SΣ 1..1 string MedNet group identifier
Example General: 123456
... active ?!Σ 0..1 boolean Whether the organization's record is still in active use
... type SΣ 0..* CodeableConcept Used to categorize the organization
Binding: OrganizationType (preferred)
.... coding SΣ 0..* Coding Code defined by a terminology system
..... system SΣ 1..1 uri Identity of the terminology system
Fixed Value:
..... code SΣ 1..1 code prov (Healthcare Provider) | dept (Hospital Department) | team (Organizational team) | govt (Government) | ins (Insurance Company) | pay (Payer) | edu (Educational Institute) | reli (Religious Institution) | crs (Clinical Research Sponsor) | cg (Community Group) | bus (Non-Healthcare Business or Corporation) | other (Other)
..... display SΣ 0..1 string Representation defined by the system
... name SΣC 0..1 string Name used for the organization
... telecom SC 0..* MNIContactPoint Details of a Technology mediated contact point (phone, fax, email, etc.)
cpt-2: A system is required if a value is provided.
org-3: The telecom of an organization can never be of use 'home'
... address SC 0..* MNIAddress An address expressed using postal conventions (as opposed to GPS or other location definition formats)
org-2: An address of an organization can never be of use 'home'

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard


cpt-2errorOrganization.telecomA system is required if a value is provided.
: value.empty() or system.exists()
dom-2errorOrganizationIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources
: contained.contained.empty()
dom-3errorOrganizationIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL be referred to from elsewhere in the resource or SHALL refer to the containing resource
: contained.where((('#'+id in (%resource.descendants().reference | %resource.descendants().as(canonical) | %resource.descendants().as(uri) | %resource.descendants().as(url))) or descendants().where(reference = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists()).not()).trace('unmatched', id).empty()
dom-4errorOrganizationIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a meta.versionId or a meta.lastUpdated
: contained.meta.versionId.empty() and contained.meta.lastUpdated.empty()
dom-5errorOrganizationIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a security label
dom-6best practiceOrganizationA resource should have narrative for robust management
: text.`div`.exists()
ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()
org-1errorOrganizationThe organization SHALL at least have a name or an identifier, and possibly more than one
: (identifier.count() + name.count()) > 0
org-2errorOrganization.addressAn address of an organization can never be of use 'home'
: where(use = 'home').empty()
org-3errorOrganization.telecomThe telecom of an organization can never be of use 'home'
: where(use = 'home').empty()

Differential View

This structure is derived from Organization

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Organization 0..* Organization MedNet Interface (MNI) - Organization
... id S 0..1 id The id is unique within the space of all resources of the same type on the same server It can be any combination of upper- or lower-case ASCII letters 'A'..'Z', and 'a'..'z', numerals ('0'..'9'), '-' and '.' with a length limit of 64 characters. (This might be an integer, an un-prefixed OID, UUID or any other identifier pattern that meets these constraints.)
... Slices for identifier S 0..* Identifier Identifies this organization across multiple systems
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:system, value:value
.... identifier:BER S 0..1 Identifier BER (Business and Enterprise Register)
..... system S 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:2.16.756.5.45
..... value S 1..1 string BER of the organization
.... identifier:UIDB S 0..1 Identifier Unique IDentification Business (UIDB)
..... system S 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:2.16.756.5.35
..... value S 1..1 string UIDB of the Organization
.... identifier:ZSR S 0..1 Identifier Zahlstellenregister (ZSR)
..... system S 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:2.16.756.
..... value S 1..1 string ZSR of the Organization
.... identifier:GLN S 0..1 Identifier Global Location Number (GLN)
..... system S 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:
..... value S 1..1 string GLN of the Organization
.... identifier:mednet_account S 0..1 Identifier MedNet account identifier
..... system S 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value:
..... value S 1..1 string MedNet account identifier
.... identifier:mednet_group S 0..1 Identifier MedNet group identifier
..... system S 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value:
..... value S 1..1 string MedNet group identifier
... type S 0..* CodeableConcept Used to categorize the organization
Binding: OrganizationType (preferred)
.... coding S 0..* Coding Code defined by a terminology system
..... system S 1..1 uri Identity of the terminology system
Fixed Value:
..... code S 1..1 code prov (Healthcare Provider) | dept (Hospital Department) | team (Organizational team) | govt (Government) | ins (Insurance Company) | pay (Payer) | edu (Educational Institute) | reli (Religious Institution) | crs (Clinical Research Sponsor) | cg (Community Group) | bus (Non-Healthcare Business or Corporation) | other (Other)
..... display S 0..1 string Representation defined by the system
... telecom S 0..* MNIContactPoint Details of a Technology mediated contact point (phone, fax, email, etc.)
... address S 0..* MNIAddress An address expressed using postal conventions (as opposed to GPS or other location definition formats)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

from the FHIR Standard

Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Organization C 0..* Organization MedNet Interface (MNI) - Organization
org-1: The organization SHALL at least have a name or an identifier, and possibly more than one
... id SΣ 0..1 id The id is unique within the space of all resources of the same type on the same server It can be any combination of upper- or lower-case ASCII letters 'A'..'Z', and 'a'..'z', numerals ('0'..'9'), '-' and '.' with a length limit of 64 characters. (This might be an integer, an un-prefixed OID, UUID or any other identifier pattern that meets these constraints.)
... meta Σ 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... text 0..1 Narrative Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 0..* Resource Contained, inline Resources
... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
... modifierExtension ?! 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
... Slices for identifier SΣC 0..* Identifier Identifies this organization across multiple systems
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:system, value:value
.... identifier:BER SΣC 0..1 Identifier BER (Business and Enterprise Register)
..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept Description of identifier
Binding: Identifier Type Codes (extensible): A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:2.16.756.5.45
..... value SΣ 1..1 string BER of the organization
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ 0..1 Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:UIDB SΣC 0..1 Identifier Unique IDentification Business (UIDB)
..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept Description of identifier
Binding: Identifier Type Codes (extensible): A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:2.16.756.5.35
..... value SΣ 1..1 string UIDB of the Organization
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ 0..1 Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:ZSR SΣC 0..1 Identifier Zahlstellenregister (ZSR)
..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept Description of identifier
Binding: Identifier Type Codes (extensible): A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:2.16.756.
..... value SΣ 1..1 string ZSR of the Organization
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ 0..1 Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:GLN SΣC 0..1 Identifier Global Location Number (GLN)
..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept Description of identifier
Binding: Identifier Type Codes (extensible): A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value: urn:oid:
..... value SΣ 1..1 string GLN of the Organization
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ 0..1 Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:mednet_account SΣC 0..1 Identifier MedNet account identifier
..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept Description of identifier
Binding: Identifier Type Codes (extensible): A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value:
..... value SΣ 1..1 string MedNet account identifier
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ 0..1 Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:mednet_group SΣC 0..1 Identifier MedNet group identifier
..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ 0..1 code usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept Description of identifier
Binding: Identifier Type Codes (extensible): A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.

..... system SΣ 1..1 uri The namespace for the identifier value
Fixed Value:
..... value SΣ 1..1 string MedNet group identifier
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ 0..1 Period Time period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization that issued id (may be just text)
... active ?!Σ 0..1 boolean Whether the organization's record is still in active use
... type SΣ 0..* CodeableConcept Used to categorize the organization
Binding: OrganizationType (preferred)
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... coding SΣ 0..* Coding Code defined by a terminology system
..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... system SΣ 1..1 uri Identity of the terminology system
Fixed Value:
..... version Σ 0..1 string Version of the system - if relevant
..... code SΣ 1..1 code prov (Healthcare Provider) | dept (Hospital Department) | team (Organizational team) | govt (Government) | ins (Insurance Company) | pay (Payer) | edu (Educational Institute) | reli (Religious Institution) | crs (Clinical Research Sponsor) | cg (Community Group) | bus (Non-Healthcare Business or Corporation) | other (Other)
..... display SΣ 0..1 string Representation defined by the system
..... userSelected Σ 0..1 boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
.... text Σ 0..1 string Plain text representation of the concept
... name SΣC 0..1 string Name used for the organization
... alias 0..* string A list of alternate names that the organization is known as, or was known as in the past
... telecom SC 0..* MNIContactPoint Details of a Technology mediated contact point (phone, fax, email, etc.)
cpt-2: A system is required if a value is provided.
org-3: The telecom of an organization can never be of use 'home'
... address SC 0..* MNIAddress An address expressed using postal conventions (as opposed to GPS or other location definition formats)
org-2: An address of an organization can never be of use 'home'
... partOf Σ 0..1 Reference(Organization) The organization of which this organization forms a part
... contact 0..* BackboneElement Contact for the organization for a certain purpose
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... purpose 0..1 CodeableConcept The type of contact
Binding: ContactEntityType (extensible): The purpose for which you would contact a contact party.

.... name 0..1 HumanName A name associated with the contact
.... telecom 0..* ContactPoint Contact details (telephone, email, etc.) for a contact
.... address 0..1 Address Visiting or postal addresses for the contact
... endpoint 0..* Reference(Endpoint) Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the organization

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

Additional Bindings Purpose
AllLanguages Max Binding
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Organization.identifier:BER.typeextensibleIdentifier Type Codes
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Organization.identifier:UIDB.typeextensibleIdentifier Type Codes
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Organization.identifier:ZSR.typeextensibleIdentifier Type Codes
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Organization.identifier:GLN.typeextensibleIdentifier Type Codes
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Organization.identifier:mednet_account.typeextensibleIdentifier Type Codes
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Organization.identifier:mednet_group.typeextensibleIdentifier Type Codes
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard


cpt-2errorOrganization.telecomA system is required if a value is provided.
: value.empty() or system.exists()
dom-2errorOrganizationIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources
: contained.contained.empty()
dom-3errorOrganizationIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL be referred to from elsewhere in the resource or SHALL refer to the containing resource
: contained.where((('#'+id in (%resource.descendants().reference | %resource.descendants().as(canonical) | %resource.descendants().as(uri) | %resource.descendants().as(url))) or descendants().where(reference = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists()).not()).trace('unmatched', id).empty()
dom-4errorOrganizationIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a meta.versionId or a meta.lastUpdated
: contained.meta.versionId.empty() and contained.meta.lastUpdated.empty()
dom-5errorOrganizationIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a security label
dom-6best practiceOrganizationA resource should have narrative for robust management
: text.`div`.exists()
ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()
org-1errorOrganizationThe organization SHALL at least have a name or an identifier, and possibly more than one
: (identifier.count() + name.count()) > 0
org-2errorOrganization.addressAn address of an organization can never be of use 'home'
: where(use = 'home').empty()
org-3errorOrganization.telecomThe telecom of an organization can never be of use 'home'
: where(use = 'home').empty()

This structure is derived from Organization


Mandatory: 0 element(14 nested mandatory elements)
Must-Support: 28 elements
Fixed: 7 elements


This structure refers to these other structures:


This structure defines the following Slices:

  • The element 2 is sliced based on the values of Organization.identifier


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron