MedNet interface implementation guide
0.16.0 - CI Build
Publication Build: This will be filled in by the publication tooling
This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.
These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Allergy Intolerance |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Allergy Intolerance Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Annotation Observation |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Annotation Observation Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Blood Group |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Blood Group Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Blood Pressure |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Blood Pressure Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Body Height |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Body Height |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Body Mass Index |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Body Mass Index Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Body Weight |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Body Weight Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Condition |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Condition Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Contract |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Contract Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Coverage |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Coverage Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Device |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Device Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - DocumentReference |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - DocumentReference Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Encounter |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Encounter Profile. An encounter will provide information about the context in which the form will be filled It is mainly used to deliver MedNet the Visit Nr (or Case Nr), and/or the orderNr from the calling System. The goal of those values is to allow saving the copy of the form and/or the later resulting report in the calling system to an internal event. It can also include informations about the priority of the request (if it is urgent or not), or the type of form that should be filled. |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Estimated date of conception |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Estimated date of conception Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Estimated date of delivery |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Estimated date of delivery Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Family Member History |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Family Member History Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - First day of last menstruation |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - First day of last menstruation Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Laboratory Observation |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Laboratory Observation Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Medication |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Medication Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Medication Statement |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Medication Statement Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Organization |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Organization Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Patient |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Patient Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - PatientOverview Bundle |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - PatientOverview Bundle |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - PatientOverview Composition |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - PatientOverview Composition |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Practitioner |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Practitioner Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - PractitionerRole |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - PractitionerRole Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Procedure |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Procedure Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - RelatedPerson |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - RelatedPerson Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Risk Factor |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Risk Factor |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - ServiceRequest |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - ServiceRequest Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - SoftwareUser |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - SoftwareUser Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Time of gestation |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Time of gestation Profile |
These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Address |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Address Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - ContactPoint |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Contact Point Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Human Name |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Human Name Profile |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Medication Statement Dosage |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Medication Statement Dosage |
These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Blood Group Observation ValueSet |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Blood Group ValueSet |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Laboratory Observation ValueSet |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Laboratory Observation ValueSet |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Patient Relationship ValueSet |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Patient Relationship ValueSet |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - ServiceRequest Code ValueSet |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - ServiceRequest Code ValueSet |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Taking Time For Posology ValueSet |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Taking Time For Posology ValueSet |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - TimeOfGestation ValueSet |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - TimeOfGestation ValueSet |
These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Blood Group Observation CodeSystem |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Blood Group Observation CodeSystem |
These define transformations to convert between codes by systems conforming with this implementation guide.
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Blood Group Observation SNOMED Mapping |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Blood Group SNOMED Mapping |
These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.
MedNet Interface (MNI) - AllergyIntolerance example 1 |
A first example showing how AllergyIntolerance is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - AllergyIntolerance example 2 |
A second example showing how AllergyIntolerance is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Annotation Observation example 1 |
A simple example showing how Annotation Observation is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Annotation Observation example 2 |
A simple example showing how Annotation Observation is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Blood Group example |
A simple example showing how Blood Group is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Blood Pressure example |
A simple example showing how Blood Pressure is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Body Mass Index example |
A simple example showing how Body Mass Index is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - BodyHeight example |
A simple example showing how BodyHeight is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - BodyWeight example |
A simple example showing how BodyWeight is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Bundle example |
A simple example showing how bundle is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Composition example |
A simple example showing how Composition is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Condition example 1 |
A first example showing how Condition is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Condition example 2 |
A second example showing how Condition is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Contract example |
A simple example showing how contract is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Coverage example 1 |
A simple example showing how coverage is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Coverage example 2 |
A simple example showing how coverage is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Device example |
A simple example showing how device is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - DocumentReference example 1 |
A first example showing how DocumentReference is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - DocumentReference example 2 |
A second example showing how DocumentReference is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - DocumentReference example 3 |
A third example showing how DocumentReference is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Encounter example |
A simple example showing how Encounter is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Estimated date of conception example |
A simple example showing how Estimated date of conception is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Estimated date of delivery example |
A simple example showing how Estimated date of delivery is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - FamilyMemberHistory example 1 |
A first example showing how FamilyMemberHistory is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - FamilyMemberHistory example 2 |
A second example showing how FamilyMemberHistory is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - First day of last menstruation example |
A simple example showing how First day of last menstruation is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Laboratory Observation Creatinine example |
A simple example showing how Laboratory Observation Creatinine is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Laboratory Observation Cytotoxic example |
A simple example showing how Laboratory Observation Cytotoxic is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Laboratory Observation INR example |
A simple example showing how Laboratory Observation INR is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Medication example |
A simple example showing how Medication is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - MedicationStatement example 1 |
A first example showing how MedicationStatement is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - MedicationStatement example 2 |
A second example showing how MedicationStatement is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - MedicationStatement example 3 |
A second example showing how MedicationStatement is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Organization example 1 |
A simple example showing how organization is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Organization example 2 |
A simple example showing how organization is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Organization example 3 |
A simple example showing how organization is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Patient example |
A simple example showing how patient is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Practitioner example |
A simple example showing how practitioner is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - PractitionerRole example |
A simple example showing how practitionerRole is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Procedure example 1 |
A first example showing how Procedure is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Procedure example 2 |
A second example showing how Procedure is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - RelatedPerson example |
A simple example showing how RelatedPerson is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Risk Factor example 1 |
A first example showing how Risk Factor is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Risk Factor example 2 |
A second example showing how Risk Factor is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - ServiceRequest example |
A simple example showing how ServiceRequest is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - SoftwareUser example |
A simple example showing how SoftwareUser is defined and referenced |
MedNet Interface (MNI) - Time of gestation example |
A simple example showing how Time of gestation is defined and referenced |
These are resources that are used within this implementation guide that do not fit into one of the other categories.
Binary/mni-address-example1 |
Binary/mni-contactPoint-example1 |
Binary/mni-humanName-example1 |